August 2003

published: Sat, 17-Jan-2004   |   updated: Fri, 5-Aug-2016

Here are the articles that were published in August 2004.

Calculating the ISO week number

Someone asked this question on The Code Project: how do you calculate the ISO week number for a given date. Read more...

Calculating the difference between two dates in months

This is still something that developers think is easy. It isn't and just shows that they haven't thought enough about the answers they expect. Read more...

Julian's very first article

For a bit of fun, I've uploaded my very first published article. Check it out; if you can remember Turbo Pascal 6 and the program overlay manager (Borland called it VROOM), you'll feel really nostalgic. Read more...

Announcing a set of articles on the Web

It's time to start writing articles again. It's something I love to do, and I've always wanted to write for the Web. Read more...