Archives for February 2010

February 2010 (15)
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The Daily Shoot 93

The topic for the Daily Shoot on Tuesday 16th February (#ds93) was "Things are always a-changin'. Make a photo that offers a snapshot of something being built, fabricated, or assembled." Talk about dropping the easy assignment into my lap: yesterday was the second day the contractors were in replacing our windows. What better way to celebrate this than through a photograph: […]


Entrenched developers

class="posterous_autopost">Something I've been pondering on given a couple of articles I read recently: I find I dislike (and have done for a while) developers who get entrenched in what they know and thereby deem everything else as being wrong. It's the worst kind of rut. They become immune to new ideas, new developments, new methodologies. […]


The Daily Shoot

As it says over there in the sidebar (at least if you're reading this on the blog), I fancy myself an amateur photographer. It's possibly the only artistic thing I can get close to saying I can do, unless you count hand-crafted code as artistic. […]


Converting a physical machine to a VMware Workstation VM

A week or so ago I ordered a new light fast notebook for my wife to replace her aging Dell XPS M1330. Aging as in 2 years old, but showing its age nevertheless. It came on Friday, and by Sunday I'd installed Microsoft Office on it and run the Easy Transfer app to copy over her documents and settings. […]


How to survive on three passwords

class='posterous_autopost'>Some time ago, I read in some issue of Women's Health, a magazine my wife subscribes to, that you can survive in the modern always-connected online world on just three passwords. One password for your financial institutions, one password for the less important sites (say, your social sites, or your shopping sites), and one password for everything which you don't consider important or particularly care about or is essence a one off. […]