So, of late, I’ve been having real issues with my main laptop. Basically BSOD City. I’d be getting blue-screened ten or more times a day. Even to the point of when it auto-rebooted I’d get a “hard drive not found” error.
Yeah, not great. The BIOS diagnostics passed thoroughly and it would eventually reboot, so I’m guessing it’s some kind of weird hardware issue.
So, I bought a new laptop and have been installing all those indispensable programs and apps I really can’t do without. Of course, there had to be one where I needed the CD-ROM for it (don’t ask) and the company concerned no longer has the install app online for it (I told you: don’t ask). So I was ferreting around some boxes trying to find it when…
Remember those things? I have no hardware whatsoever any more to plug one of these in to see what’s on it (I have four of them). I seem to remember that maybe it was an old DSLR? Probably.
And then, even better, I found this:
How many of you remember this particular bit of hardware? A quick bit of research on Wikipedia and it seems the company went out of business 6 to 7 years ago. I’d used it for a little while with the DSLR I had at the time, but never really liked the way it worked, so I put it away and completely forgot about it.
Time to dispose of them properly.
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