
A quick set of comments for this past week…

As explained a couple of weeks ago, the English Post Office scandal really hit home for me. This week, there was a half-hour documentary on the BBC called Surviving the Post Office in which the actor Will Mellor (who played one of the sub-postmasters in Mr Bates vs the Post Office) went to meet some of the actual sub-postmasters who were affected by the scandal and how they have managed (or not) to recover. Damn, it was heart-wrenching.

Talking of wrenching, a couple of days ago someone discovered that XTwitter had flipped on a switch for everyone that enabled their Grok AI to harvest and analyze all tweets and threads. Without asking or notifying anyone. Turns out this violates the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the law that ensures people’s data privacy and security. I have turned it off – which can only be done in the web app as it happens, so fire up your browser and go to https://x.com/settings/grok_settings.

Continuing with XTwitter, I notice that come August, I won’t have posted anything there for a year. Got very annoyed at the fact that Tweetdeck (which I used extensively pretty much to read tweets from people I follow) was only made available for paid Premium users. No way am I going to pay to use XTwitter. However maybe I’ll start tweeting again for my anniversary…

Moving on to Facebook, holy cow, it’s just inundated with ads and sponsorships and “follow-me”s and whatever. Finding posts from people you actually do follow gets tedious. Just for a laugh, here’s the thread of posts that’s on the main home page for me right now: friend, follow-me, follow-me, ad, friend, join-me, follow-me, friend, friend, follow-me, friend, follow-me, ad, friend, friend, ad, follow-me, friend, ad, join-me, friend, ad, follow-me, ad, follow-me, follow-me, ad, follow-me, follow-me, join-me, ad, friend, friend, ad… Barf.

Playing: Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing. A great song and the video is absolutely awesome. It was released in September 1988 and back then I totally fell in love with the girl in the video…

Total incredulity

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