EOW-Mortgage refinance

A couple of months ago, I decided that we had to do some work on the house, and also to sort out a couple of loans I had. Easiest way would have been an equity loan for sure, but our lender isn’t doing those at the moment. So next easiest was a mortgage refinance, and I took advantage of the opportunity to also reduce our mortgage period. All fine and dandy, it took a little while, sure, but eventually it was all closed and we moved on.


I started getting these weird letters/postcards:

You have recently closed on this mortgage with [bank name]. We need you to please call us about an important matter regarding this loan. This is time sensitive so please call us at [phone number] as soon as possible.

No company name, nor any hint as to what the heck this “important matter” is. Got two of those as postcards with the same text just about, but with different phone numbers.

FINAL NOTICE. Julian, We have been trying to reach you regarding a matter of importance as it relates to your mortgage. Please call [phone number].

Got three of those as envelopes where you have to fold/tear strips off the sides and bottom. Different phones numbers again, and no clue as to this “matter of importance”.

I’m guessing that it’s about insuring the mortgage in some way, but to be honest, these mails just make it sound like a complete and utter scam. All are now shredded.

Playing: Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra. The reason for this one is a complete hoot. Last weekend my wife ran the Georgetown to Idaho Springs half marathon. As is usual for this, I drop her off at the start line in Georgetown and then I drive down to Idaho Springs and park the car, have a cup of coffee at The Frothy Cup, and then meet her at the finish line.

Mr Blue Sky

Mr Blue Sky!

Where I’d parked the car you could see a sign on I-70 for the turn off for for Mount Blue Sky (the new name for Mount Evans since September 2023), as — wait for it — “Mt Blue Sky”. And me?  All I could read was “Mr Blue Sky” and so I was humming it the entire time…


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#1 Jessica Anderson said...
20-Feb-25 7:29 AM


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