Some eight (!) years ago, I started to learn JavaScript from the viewpoint of a C# programmer. I wrote a series of blog posts here on the subject, and fairly early on I started using Firebug in Firefox for my experiments in coding and debugging this weird yet wonderful language. Yes, I could’ve moved on to Chrome and its developer tools, but I liked Firebug and I could get things done. The JavaScript on this blog site (and others I own) were completely debugged using Firebug. Firebug convinced me that global variables were a bad thing. And so on.
I noticed just last week that the Script tab in Firebug 2.0.18 no longer worked. Bizarrely it states “No Javascript on this page” on a page that definitely does.
It turns out that Firebug 2.0.18 is it. The home page baldly states that “the Firebug extension isn't being developed or maintained any longer.” So, tough news on the old debugging front: it ain’t going to be fixed. The page then encourages you to use the built-in DevTools instead.
So, yes, I’ll migrate to using those developer tools, but it is a sad day for me.
1 Response
#1 Garry said...
07-Dec-16 6:01 AMYes a sad day, all my JavaScript debugging over the past several years has been with Firebug. I guess I will have to get used to the built in tools now.
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