File this under the, duh, why didn't I think of that category. Scott Cate has written a neat little widget/Chalk extension for Graffiti CMS that tracks 404s on your website.
Actually it's in a couple of parts. First, he provides information on how to set up a 404 page so that people trying to see a non-existent ASP.NET page get routed to a nice-looking 404 handler page, and then, second, he provides a Chalk extension to respond with the proper 404 status code, and one to register the page that was sought.
The widget (in Graffiti terms widgets are the content that appears in the sidebars) produces a quick report on the URLs that were sought but not found. It's an admin widget, so, sorry, you can't see it over there on the right and if I showed it to you, I'd have to kill you anyway. At least you can see the 404 page: click here.
Unfortunately for me, the way I've got my domains set up in GoDaddy means that I can't remap the normal 404 page — the one that static URLs get mapped to — to my own (I need option 4 in the "remap 404s" hosting page, but only three options are displayed). I'm going to be posting off an email to see what can be done about it, because it would be good to see what non-ASP.NET 404s are being generated.
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Duran Duran - electric barbarella
(from Medazzaland)
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