OK, put this one in the completely weird bucket. It works, but damn it’s obscure.
photo © 2010 Fling Poo | more info (via: Wylio)The tilde operator (
) is one of those bitwise operators that can be useful, but that aren’t used in general JavaScript programming. Put baldly, it inverts the bits of a 32-bit value. Bitwise NOT in other words.
OK, a step back. JavaScript doesn’t have 32-bit values; its number type is an IEEE double floating point value. There is an internal ‘abstract’ routine that’s known as ToInt32. ECMAScript v5 (pdf) defines it in clause 9.5:
So, in essence it takes a floating point number value, calculates its floor as a 32-bit signed integer. There’s a big problem with it though: it’s internal and we can’t ever access it directly. It’s also ‘abstract’, which means it doesn’t exist per se, the interpreter/compiler is free to apply any old optimization it needs to. We can only use its behavior when we use some operator that works on 32-bit integers: JavaScript will make the conversion for us, do the operation on the 32-bit operator, and then convert the answer back to a number variable. The operators I’m talking about here are the bitwise operators: <<
(left shift), >>
(right shift with sign extension), >>>
(right shift with zero fill), &
(bitwise AND), |
(bitwise OR), ^
(bitwise XOR) and our new friend ~
(bitwise NOT).
The nice thing about bitwise NOT is that it’s unary and, if you apply it twice, you get the same 32-bit integer you started with. (I think you’re beginning to see where this is going…)
OK. let’s suppose we write a dice-throwing function. It’s got to return an integer between 1 and 6. A first cut might look like this:
var throwDie = function () { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1; };
Nice and obvious: Math.random()
returns a value between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive), we multiply by 6 (0.0 <= value < 6.0), take the floor (integer, 0 <= value < 6), and add 1.
However, using our new knowledge we can write:
var throwDie = function () { return ~~(Math.random() * 6) + 1; };
The first application of the tilde operator takes the floor for us and NOTs it (well, to be pedantic, it applies the abstract function above to get a floored 32-bit value and then NOTs that), so we apply the tilde operator again to undo the NOT. Double tilde stands in for Math.floor()
, providing that we’re talking about numbers in the 32-bit signed integer range.
Less typing, but, boy, is it obscure!
Now playing:
Johnson, Holly - Beat the System
(from Atomic City)
1 Response
#1 Chilla42o said...
28-Jul-11 5:06 AMThe tilde operator applied to arrays makes a fast and easy inArray-check:
Single tilde:
Double tilde:
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