Posts filed under the 'JavaScriptLessons' category

JavaScript for C# Programmers: Arrays

Another episode in the series where I talk about using JavaScript, but from a C# programmer's perspective. […]


JavaScript for C# Programmers: Object basics

Continuing the occasional series where I talk about writing JavaScript from a C# programmer's perspective. […]


JavaScript for C# Programmers: Types

When I was learning JavaScript, I found I was being tripped up by a whole bunch of invalid assumptions. I was being lulled into a false sense of security by the very familiarity of the C-like structures and syntax. I was also being tripped up by the parts of JavaScript which are just plain awful and that should be avoided at all costs. Despite these bad parts of JavaScript, the main problem was: it's got the word Java in the name, so it must work like Java, and since Java and C# are very close, it must work like C#. Right? Right! Wrong, and hence this new occasional series where I talk about the things which tripped me up. […]