As I said a while back, I was a member of the Kings College London Mathematics Society (a.k.a., KCL MathSoc) during my undergrad years. Now that I have a new flatbed scanner, I’ve been asked to scan the society photos and post them here, so here goes.
For the life of me I can’t remember why the last one had so few people in it. Since it’s taken in the summer, maybe we organized it too late and people had started to leave for the summer vacation.
No prizes for spotting the young Bucknall.
As last time, I wonder what has happened to all those people (and all that hair!). Professor John Taylor and Dr (now Professor) Colin Bushnell (who, for his sins, was my tutor) are still in the Mathematics department. A couple of the ex-students have contacted me, but if you know anyone or if you are one of those squinting into the sun, do let me know.
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#1 julian m bucknall said...
07-Apr-20 2:13 PMFor some unknown reason, today I was thinking back to those University days and wondering where my fellow students are now, and found myself at this post. I noticed that I hadn't linked Prof. Taylor's name to the wikipedia article on him, so resolved to do so here, when I noticed that he'd died six days after I published the post. Er, wow.
Here's the wikipedia article on Prof. Bushnell for completeness' sake.
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