I had a bit of a dip in photo productivity and I wasn’t ready to pick up the camera again for the Daily Shoot until Friday, March 26 (#ds131): “Think of a subject that starts with either the letter "D" or "S". Find it, and make a photo!” […]
READ MOREIn the comments to my post on testing the lock-free stack, Dmitriy V'jukov wondered if my code could test a broken implementation of a stack built on a preallocated array. He provided a link to the code on a Russian forum (yes, I used Google Translate a lot). It seems it’s not his, but a friend’s or a colleague’s. […]
Having discussed a test app for testing the multithreaded use of the lock-free stack, it’s now time for the lock-free queue. […]
READ MORERecently a reader was having some issues with my lock-free queue implementation. In investigating the problem, I decided to throw out my previous “stack and queue” multithreaded test program as being way too hard to modify and started out afresh. In doing so, I also cleaned up the implementations of the lock-free stack and queue, making extensive use of CodeRush’s code issues functionality. […]
Due to work and the crappy weather outside on Friday, March 19, I was late with this one from the Daily Shoot (#ds124) and so it was rushed. “Change your angle today. Make a photo from 1’ (30 cm) off the ground and post it.” […]
READ MOREThe next assignment from the Daily Shoot was “Find something that's so old it's almost timeless and make a photograph of it.” (Thursday, March 18, #ds123) […]
READ MOREI’ve just sent off June 2010’s article for PCPlus to my editor, just a smidgeon late. A couple of days is all. It’s on ray tracing, something I’ve wanted to discuss and play around with for a while. I downloaded POV-Ray, an open-source ray tracing renderer for Windows, OSX, and Linux to use as a test-bench, and spent some fun hours with it. […]
READ MOREThe Daily Shoot for Wednesday, March 17 (#ds122) was either wacky or genius, I’m still not sure. “Grab your camera and walk 2 minutes in any direction. Stop. Find a photo worth making from where you stopped and post it.” […]
READ MOREFor Tuesday, March 16 (#ds121), the Daily Shoot assignment was “Today's theme is ‘3’. Make a photograph that features the number itself or otherwise represents 3 items.” […]
READ MOREI was looking at the following lens, Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS, on Amazon today. The reason is simple: my favorite zoom is the Canon 28-135mm and I also have a Canon 20-35mm zoom. This could replace both, in theory. At something like $340, it’s affordable too. But how good is it? […]