Page 2 of full list of posts

Le Lapin Agile

Time to turn over a new leaf. Because of changes in my life (and my wife’s) over the past 4 or 5 months, I’ve let things drop here on my blog. I’ve had time to recharge — at least I hope so — hence it’s back to regular updates. Let’s see how this goes… […]


Stupid pastime

So, in general, every day I get in my car and drive somewhere. It could be taking the pup to doggy daycare, going shopping, nipping out to get some lunch, whatever. In doing so, because we live in a built-up area of Colorado Springs, there’s traffic lights and, if I’m unlucky, I’ll hit a red. […]


National Trust

At the beginning of September we were in England to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. What we do on these England trips is to (a) go to North Yorkshire to visit my parents graves, (b) go see my sister’s family in Lancashire, (c) go somewhere we haven’t been before, and then (d) end up in Windsor for a couple of days as it’s close to Heathrow and the flight home. […]


Internet, what internet?

Just over 4 weeks ago, we had a problem. Our internet connection went down. I’m sure, like many people, this is pretty dire: after all, I work from home and therefore need it to connect to work. And that’s before you even start to consider getting system updates, emails, Netflix, etc. […]


I am 30 years old!

Well, OK, not quite. But today is the anniversary of my arrival in the United States, or, more specifically, Colorado. Yep, I’ve now lived for 30 years in the US. Originally, I was going to stay for possibly three years, but it turned out that after those three years I’d sold my flat in Hammersmith and bought a house in Colorado Springs for my future wife and I (and, as it turned out, three kittens). Still makes me laugh: selling a one-bedroom flat in London to buy a three bedroom house in Colorado Springs. […]


Website Listing scam

There are days when I just want to give up, there are so many scams going around. Yesterday, it was getting this in the mail: […]


Time to get on with some cleaning up

A quick bit of catching up… […]


Dredging up the past

So, of late, I’ve been having real issues with my main laptop. Basically BSOD City. I’d be getting blue-screened ten or more times a day. Even to the point of when it auto-rebooted I’d get a “hard drive not found” error. […]


Crass stupid phishing scams

For some stupid reason, I got the following two texts within 12 hours of each other, the first yesterday evening, the second this morning. […]


GoDaddy hacking admission

Way back when (like, over 4 years ago now), I wrote up a blog post (GoDaddy shared Windows hosting compromised) about an issue I was seeing when this site was hosted on GoDaddy about a PHP hack. I’ve helped several people who were hit by the same hack, showing how they could monitor for it and clean it up if they had the same issue. Since then, I’ve moved this site over to Azure where, to be blunt, security is tighter. […]