Page 12 of full list of posts

IBM System/38 Keyboard Templates

It’s well past time for a rave from the grave, methinks. About a year or so ago, we’d bought our new house and were starting to work out what we should keep when we moved. I had several boxes that I’d shipped from England after my parents had died, and It Was Time To Sort Their Contents Out. And in one of them I found this fun little gem: The IBM System/38 Keyboard Template. […]


Shoestring: the full series

Suddenly, after many, many years, the BBC announced that complete set of Shoestring was finally going to be released on DVD. And so it came to pass in October last year. I put in my order chez, and it finally arrived on my doorstep. […]


Reporting spam texts

I get spam phone calls on my landline, I get spam phone calls on my mobile. Sometimes, I play along with them to wind them up (especially those from “Windows Support” where I know what they’re going to say and the responses you give). Of late, I’ve started to get spam text on my phone. Just as annoying, but it’s easy to report them. […]


Six squared & five squared

Today, April 29, in 1993, I boarded a plane at Gatwick in the morning, and alighted late afternoon at Stapleton Airport in Denver. From there I rented a car and drove down to Colorado Springs and my new job at TurboPower Software. I’d never been to Colorado before. This was 25 years ago today. I was a mere stripling, having just turned 36 years of age. […]


A backup is only as good as…

…the restore you want to do from it. […]


Making an AWS static website EVEN MORE secure

OK, so we have a secure website, hosted on Amazon S3, and served up via HTTPS by CloudFront with an Amazon SSL Certificate. But, as we know from last time, we also have to express this security through our response headers. It was fairly easy with Azure – after all, it’s “just” IIS back there, and web.config is the answer to everything once you know the magic incantations – but how to do the same thing on AWS? […]


Making an AWS static website secure

So there I was, patting myself on the back for making an Azure static website secure (with all the right headers, natch), when I gave myself a quick nod: yep, let’s do the same for this other static website, one that’s hosted on Amazon S3. Morceau de gâteau! […]


Making an Azure static website EVEN MORE secure

Remember how I was congratulating myself that I’d made my static website, that is hosted on Azure, secure? How I’d bought and uploaded an SSL certificate, and made the site only accessible via HTTPS? Well, HA! […]


Making an Azure static website secure

One thing that’s been niggling at the back of my mind for a little while, is that of making my various domains secure. Getting and installing a certificate. Making HTTPS the default. Using SSL. All that jazz, mostly triggered by the news that Chrome and Firefox are going to start shaming – er, sorry, indicating in the address bar – those sites that are not secure. […]


Commodore SR4921

Back in the day, the second calculator I owned was a Commodore SR 4190R, a fun little beast. Once I’d found a replacement for the one I had (it’d got lost at some point) and I’d found an example of its more “experienced” brother, the SR 9190R, I decided to try and get copies of all the similarly-bodied calculators that Commodore had made back in the 70s, maybe half a dozen or so. It didn’t take too long, but there was one of that type that just eluded me, the SR4921. Until earlier this month, that is… […]